Monday 23 March 2009

Blog Assignment #1: Childhood Memories

Growing up greatly affects our personal attitudes and ideas. We form our world-view on the basis of what we have seen and experienced. As a result, we often grow up with a very firm opinion of what children need and what is good for them.

As for me, my attitudes and opinions reflect my own roots in the nineteen seventies and eighties. When I see young children of today play computer games, I reminisce about the very first TV game I ever saw, but I also shake my head a bit and wish the youth of today could be a bit more like the youth of yesterday. I feel that children don’t do enough playing or fishing or running around anymore—like most people, I’ve fallen into the trap of thinking nothing is right unless it is the way I’m used to. As a result, I have turned into my own grandmother. Any day now, I will start wagging my finger at innocent schoolchildren and I will say things like “When I was your age, I had to walk three kilometres through the snow to get to school, and when I got there we worked our fingers to the bone!”

Of course, things were not always better in the olden days; still, I must admit there are things I would like to preserve for future generations. I feel that, on the whole, our generation had a healthier lifestyle than children of today—there was less TV time and more exercise, less sugar and more sit-down family dinners. On the other hand, maybe there was also more boredom.

All of you will have your own personal views of what is good and bad for children. For your very first blog assignment, I would like you to tell me what experiences you would like the children of the world to have as they grow up. What is the most important thing for a child? What are the responsibilities of the adult world?

The deadline for this assignment is Sunday, 12 April.

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